Our appointment on 5/29 went well. She confirmed that I was 1cm dilated and 40% effaced. We heard his heartbeat and he still sounds strong and happy. I was retaining quite a bit of water at this visit. We had a few late nights and busy days at the office and my feet/cankles weren’t looking so great. She told me that I needed to take it easy, stay away from carbs, and elevate…retaining too much water could mean an elevation in my blood pressure and we don’t want that. I was a good girl and the swelling went down considerably. Today’s appointment revealed a 6 lb drop in my weight since last week. Doc is pleased and so am I….Thank god!!! I decided not to even ask what I put on during last week’s appointment…I had a feeling it wasn’t good due to the condition of my feet. The office staff and Bran were thankful with the decision on that….reeeeeally thankful. It’s no secret up there that I’m extremely sensitive about my weight gain during this whole process. It was a relief for all that there was good news on that front this week. My blood pressure is still looking great making the limitations all worth it.
We’re still at 1 cm. I was hoping for 2+, but kinda suspected this might be the news. This week was super slow on Braxton Hicks. There was more sustained pressure, but no BHicks. Doc said that pressure is sometimes more ‘effective’ in getting things going than the BHicks….it means that he is wiggling down into the canal in prep for the big day. He’s doing all of the right work in there, just not on the quick schedule everyone would like…he’s pacing himself. Doc did say that we would discuss induction at my appointment next Friday if I don’t see her before then. She gave us a homework assignment that could help get things rolling, so we’ll be giving that a go this weekend.
I mentioned we had some late nights last week…Our friends, Joey and Lisa, had their little guy on 5/27. His name is Max Liam. We hung out to meet him his first night here, and I ran by the next day to get a snuggle. He’s a cutie…and he has these wonderfully long legs and fingers, and sweet, soft hair. We’re totally stoked he’s here and are very honored to be his god parents. = )
My mom made a trip up here last weekend to bring us the mini-van Bran is now driving. Yes…you read correctly, Bran is a mini-van dad. He got some not-so great news about the Blazer and we had to make a move. Luckily, my grandparents back home still had their well-kept 2000 Honda Odyssey for sale and my folks helped us make it happen. We’re still trying to find a new home for the Blazer…there have been a few bites, but no takers yet. He’s already installed the carseat base, his Sirius radio, and the Kenseth sticker is in place.
Bran’s not the only one with a new toy…the kiddo had a few deliveries this week. We spent our gift cards on some essential items that were still left and then the rest went to fun stuff. The little guy got some super cool cloth books, a music cube, a mobile, and rattler/teether gift set. Bran put together the travel system and rocker/bouncer seat, and the baby monitor is in place. We are SO ready.
My last shower went down at the office and it was AWESOME. I was blown away by the number of folks that joined the party. It was a lot of fun and once again….YUMMY!!! We want to thank everyone for their generous gifts, and for the hosts…well, you ROCK!!!!!! Here are a few pics from the party.
That's all for now. I'll check back in next weekend.
1 comment:
Exciting! Things are moving. Funny about the minivan Dad. Well, welcome to the pack. Can't wait. Let me know if you need anything.
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