Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chilled out February….

Hello folks! My apologies for the delay in getting an update out here for your reading pleasure, but to be honest here…everything has been pretty ‘ho-hum’ for me these last few weeks which is exactly why I wasn’t compelled to post anything. Anyway….moving on….

Things may be ‘ho-hum’ with me, but my Brandon has been a busy bee. He’s finishing up this winning winter hockey season. His team finished in first place and the first playoff game is this Friday. He’s also been the Alderete representative at quite a few social events for us. He definitely doesn’t prefer going ‘stag’, but he’s been a real trooper and luckily has come home each time having had a good time. It’s not that the invites haven’t been appealing, I’ve just been so worn out from the work week that all I feel like doing on the weekends is staying close to home and relaxing. Things at the office have really ramped up for my little team and 9-9 ½ busy hours a day is all I’ve been able to handle.
All the books say I should have more energy in the second trimester, but so far….it’s about the same for me. I’m definitely not going to complain since I was able to skip that nausea/morning sickness, I live a few months out of the social scene.….no biggie! considering the alternative, right?

Don’t think Brandon has been all alone this last month….I did venture out a few weekends back to spend some time with my family in honor of my cousin Daniel who is back from Iraq and will remain stateside until his military time is up this September. YEAH!! It was, as it always is with the Edgerly clan, a good time. That same night, we had a friend’s birthday party and luckily, I was able to pull it off. Whew! It was tough….I started that chronic yawning thing I do now at around 9:00….it’s so embarrassing!! I’ve already tried tons of techniques to keep them from coming, but they have all failed….once the eyes start to water it’s over. It was a total bummer because I didn’t even get a taste of the gorgeous cake that was there. = ( With or without cake, it was great to see all of Brandon’s co-workers….they are all very excited about our kiddo which means a lot to the both of us. We did get caught by one of the many, many cameras flashing that night.

So, onto the baby news. We had an appointment with Dr. Winn this past Friday. We were able to hear his heartbeat again and all is well. Our appointment for the fancy ultrasound is set for 2/20. Dr. Winn told us to bring in a VHS tape so that they can record the visit. We’re pretty pumped about it. I’ll be 23 weeks at the time of the appointment making him even more grown-up (almost 6 months) when we get our peek. I’m also going to be working on getting us signed up for the birthing class through the hospital I’ll be delivering in.

Lots of folks have been asking me whether or not I’m showing….the answer is “Yes, but I’m not ready to take any pictures of my tummy for everyone’s viewing pleasure….sorry.” I have been very lucky that the majority of my work clothes still fit well and are still doing a pretty good job of concealing the baby bump. I did have to break down a few weekends ago and buy some maternity jeans. I also picked up two dresses that should see me through until the end . I have to say the dresses are like walking around in pajamas, but those jeans….uugh! I’ve definitely had some trouble getting used to them, but it’s slowly getting better. I’m sure when I fill them out the way they were meant to be filled out, they will be more comfortable to wear…we’ll see. I’m not expecting any miracles out of those darn things.

So, I’ll be checking back in with all of you after 2/20 then….I’ll have some pics of the kiddo and the season results of Bran’s hockey league.