Monday, January 5, 2009

Tan and back in Texas...

and back to the work week. uuuugh! Hope you all took full advantage of your holidays. I know we did and it was so worth it. The trip was almost worry free the entire time which is just the way we like it. We had some trouble with the Blazer in Sulpher, LA, but luckily everything fell into place and we were parked in a garage in my hometown and fixed up in no time.

Daytona was beeeeeeeauuuuutiful! We really dig it's definitely our speed and the beaches are wide and squeeky clean. There were some chilly days, but there was enough warm and sunny time to get in a tan. = )

Below are a few pics from our balcony and one of Bran taking it easy in the sand.

Our time in New Orleans was short, but we did get a little sightseeing in and had some tasty shrimp poboys. We definitely want to go back and spend more time there when I'm not pregnant and can really enjoy some of the yummy beverages that town has to offer a girl on vacation. ; )

We did a detour from I-10 and drove through Gulfport and Biloxi, MS and it was shocking to see that there is still major evidence of Katrina all along the coastline. Those homes that weren't still boarded up were all brand spanking new and there were blocks at a time that were nothing but empty slabs. It was something to take in for sure.

Anyway, we're home now and are going to start working on getting the baby's room ready. I have some things already on the way and am excited about deciding on a color to paint the room. Once the bedding gets here, it should be an easy choice. We got some cute gifts for him over the holidays. You can all breathe easy.......we've got a fair start on his UT gear. I'm sure there will be more to come. ....much more to come.

We have another appointment with Dr. Winn. It's just a quick drive-by to listen to the heartbeat. I didn't know it when I started, but you're in there every 4 weeks and that's ifs, ands, or buts. I'm rolling with it even though, as most of you know, I'm not a huge fan of dotor visits.....but as Stoll always says.....'Listen everything is going to be fine.....' ; )

Enjoy the work week, but keep the weekend in sight.!!