Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The results are in...

Well….we got the results from the CVS back and I’m officially growing a baby boy! We're both very excited….and most happy about everything being normal with the kiddo’s chromosomes. That news was such a relief. Now it's all about choosing a name and we have been doing some serious back and forth. I told Brandon that I would like to settle on a name in the next few months so that we can start calling him by his name long before delivery….but it's definitely a wait and see. It's already clear that it won't be any easy decision.
We had no trouble picking out a girl’s name, but the boy name has given us major trouble. I’d list out the current contenders for you, but I do not want to jinx anything. One of the roadblocks we faced when deciding was the fact that three of the names on our short list were taken by the newest additions to the Alderete and Edgerly sides of the family. Doh! We're totally happy for the new parents, but it did complicate things here in Austin. ; ) Anyway, we’ll keep at it and inform all of you when a winner is chosen.
We do have some news from the home improvement front….we just completed some pretty significant sheetrock repair and replacement at the house. There was work required in almost every room of the house and it took 4 days to complete. The biggest job was in our finished garage where there were some serious issues, but the crew ended up pulling it off and we’re definitely pleased with the work in there. I’m sure I don’t have to tell any of you what a mess sheetrock work can make in a home…..uuuuuugh!!! I was close to a meltdown quite a few times over the week because of the chaos caused, but Brandon was able to keep me out of the looney bin and was a big help in getting things in the house back together. The only room we really have left to tackle is the office and all that requires is some heavy usting….*whew…..
Our next effort will hopefully start in the Spring, but there are a few competing projects right now because of the kiddo coming......Of course, financing the projects is a tad more complicated now that we’ve got daycare costs and insurance coverage to consider in the coming year…..but as always, we’ll figure it out and get it done. No worries.
My appointment with Dr. Winn is still this Friday and Brandon will definitely be there this time…..I’ve learned my lesson on that. Besides, I’m anxious for him to meet Dr. Winn anyway. During the appointment, we’ll be going over my CVS results (which are all good), my blood work, and then taking another look at the kiddo. We should have audio this time around, so we’ll be able to hear the heartbeat instead of just seeing it just seeing it.
That’s all I’ve got today, folks. Hope everyone has a great work week!!! We’ll chat again next week.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day is finally behind us…..

Hope you all had a fun and restful holiday and everyone's tummy was filled to the brim with yummy stuff......I know our tummies were VERY happy this year!!

Now....it's ALL about prepping for our anniversary trip!!!! I know I keep mentioning it, but…..I’M EXCITED!!!!!!!! We’re leaving early on Saturday, December 20 and aren’t due back until the 30th or 31st depending on how much fun we’re having. We’ll be traveling approximately 2325 miles in Brandon’s trusty Blazer over those 10-11 days and will be hitting New Orleans, LA, Destin, FL, Daytona Beach, FL and Jacksonville, FL. As most of you now I’m a total beach bum and can’t wait to get some sand in my toes, but I think I’m most excited about taking Brandon into New Orleans. I found out recently that my food and music lovin’ husband has never been…..gasp!! It was definitely a shocker since he’s so well traveled, but his only Big Easy time was driving through…..but all of that will be changing in a few weeks. I’m already doing some of my famous pre-trip, options planning so that he’ll have plenty to pick from when we get there.

I’ve been made fun of because I sometimes take the pre-trip planning a little too far (three-ring binder with tabs), but it does really come in handy when you’ve only got a short amount of time and you don’t want to spend it deciding on where to go or what to do……you want to be doing, right!! Anyway, we’ll be moving pretty quickly through New Orleans because the bulk of our trip will be spent in a beachfront condo in Daytona Beach. We went there the summer before last and totally fell in love with the area. It’s the spot where we will spend our Anniversary and Christmas days. The condo has a full kitchen, so I’m sure we’ll be whipping up some home cooking for the holiday. We’ve found that we enjoy the food we cook more than anything we can get going out…..except for when we’re in New Orleans, of course!!

So, to get to the topic that everyone is really here to read about……the kiddo. All is still good with me….just feeling tired most of the time. We had our CVS last Monday and that went well, although I wasn’t allowed to get back on the treadmill for 48 hours….hmmmph! and then Thanksgiving ruined my return to the machine…..double hmmmph! Brandon was such a trooper…the test is very uncomfortable and I ended up squeezing the crap out of his hand, but we both survived. I have to admit I felt a little wimpy afterwards thinking that if I thought this was bad…..how the heck was I going to get through delivery? But, decided we’ll just cross that bridge when we get there and maybe just plan to bring Bran a pair of work gloves or something to protect his hand from my nails.

Anyway, back to the test…..the doc was able to get a good sample and we should have results back last this week or early next week. We’ve got our fingers crossed that we’ll receive good news. We also found out that the test results also include the code that tells us what the sex of the baby is. We were already planning on finding out through the normal ultrasound when the time came, but now we don’t have to wait for that money shot…..we’ll know ahead of time!! We did go back and forth a little on whether or not to keep it a surprise, but figured that medicine hasn’t come this far along for us to stay in the dark about what we’re having, right?

During the counseling session, we found out that my blood test results from Dr. Winn’s office had been shared with the prenatal clinic and apparently all is well there, too. We’ll get into further details on those as well as the CVS results when we meet up with Dr Winn again on 12/12, but it looks like I’m a fairly healthy gal and should be able to pull this thing off. YEAH!!

That’s all I’ve got for now, folks.

Talk to you guys in a week or so. Enjoy your Monday….uuuugh! ; )